Mark Acuff

It is a privilege to be a part of the great people of the Gathering Church, as we seek to grow a community that expresses the love and joy of Jesus Christ. Throughout history, people who found religion irrelevant, or worse, toxic, found Jesus to be irresistible. He loved people incredibly well. We want to be like him.

I grew up in Charlotte, graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill, as a Philosophy major. I then served for seven years as a Campus Staff member for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Duke and NC State. Then I moved to South Hamilton, Mass. where I received my Masters in Divinity at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Upon graduation, I was ordained by First Baptist Church of Sudbury, Mass. and then appointed by the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to be a Church Planter in Marlboro, Mass. Grace Baptist Church (located in Hudson) was established, and I served as its pastor for fifteen years. I then was asked to become the Teaching Pastor of the Chapel Hill Bible Church, in Chapel Hill, NC, where I served for eight years. In 2009, a group of families and single adults launched the Gathering Church.

I am married to the most positive person in the world, Libby, and we are proud to have four children and six grandchildren.

Libby and I have lived long enough to be deeply aware of our need for the saving grace of God that is found in Jesus Christ. We are thankful that Jesus seeks and saves those who are lost. We are learning more and more how to live in the healing and transforming power of his love.

We want to invite others to taste and see how good he is.

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