
Today, Ash Wednesday begins the six-week period of preparation for Easter that many Christians observe called Lent. Although, our church does not have a special Ash Wednesday service today I want to invite you to participate in a special focus for Lent.

Focus: On the Way: Traveling with Jesus

Action: 15 minutes of daily reading and prayer in the Gospel of Luke, 9:51-19:27.

Purpose: To prepare for Easter by renewing our connection with Jesus.
Join Jesus on his trip to Jerusalem.

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.

-Luke 9:51

This section of Luke’s Gospel is called the Travel Narrative. With great focus and intentionality Jesus leaves his base of ministry in Galilee and heads for the climatic events to come in Jerusalem.

What would it be like to be one of Jesus’ followers on this trip?

If you would like to participate in this Lent focus, download the Reading Guide.

Together let’s do something to connect with Jesus in a special way.

Mark Acuff
Ash Wednesday 2017