This Sunday – New Series

This Sunday – New Series

“One can know a great deal about God without much knowledge of him.”

-J.I. Packer, Knowing God

Has your mind ever been instantly opened and rocked by something your read?  Suddenly truth is so powerfully real that you can’t resist it, that you don’t want to resist it, that you know right away without any hesitation that you want to go where that truth is going to take you?

We usually call that moment an epiphany.

We know that something has changed us.

That’s exactly what happened to me years ago when I read the words above by J.I. Packer.  Chapter Two of his classic book explained the difference between knowing about God and actually knowing God.

Internally, I knew that life was about knowing God.  And about inviting others to the same pursuit.

This Sunday at the Gathering Church we begin a New Year’s series, Learning God: The Big Moments.

Over the next few weeks we will step into some of the most important conversations in the Bible, with some of the most important people:  Abraham, Moses, David, and Isaiah.


Well, I can’t imagine a better outcome than to grow our knowledge and experience with God.

We start with Genesis 15:1-6 this Sunday.  Check out the stars before you come.  Â