This Sunday – Oct 14

This Sunday – Oct 14

Who won the vice-presidential debate on Thursday night?

Nearly half the people polled on that question must have been wrong.  For nearly half said that their candidate had won, with Ryan edging out Biden by a few points.  One commentator described Bidden’s performance as “brilliant.” Another described him as a “buffoon.”

Who was right?

It depends on your perspective.

Perspective shapes how we see things.

If I asked you how you feel about your life these days, I would quickly discover something about your perspective, not just your circumstances.

This Sunday at the Gathering Church, I continue a series from the New Testament book of Philippians on A New Perspective. Philippians 3:12-4:1.It challenges us to have a perspective on our lives that gives us an enduring sense of purpose and passion. We gain a focus that connects us to God’s perspective.

Refresh your life-page this Sunday.