This Sunday’s sermon may be one of the most important sermons I’ve ever given.

This Sunday’s sermon may be one of the most important sermons I’ve ever given.

I do not like to hype things up and it is usually better to under-expect rather than over-expect. We like to be surprised rather than disappointed.

But, at least the topic the sermon will raise will be one of the most important we can consider.

How good of a friend are you – to yourself?

To begin this New Year, we are focusing on Reset, an opportunity to renew different areas of our lives according to God’s vision for us.

Most of us could use a good reset in respect to how we think of ourselves.

How does God think of us?

In Galatians 3:26-4:7 we discover that God sent Jesus into this world to affect an incredible reset about who we are.

Do we see ourselves the way God sees us?

Do we treat ourselves the way God treats us?

If not, why not?

Can our thinking really be rest?

What happens when it is?

If this reset does not happen all other resets will be limited or worse, bad for us.

This sermon is going to be fun.

Hop to see you.
